If you would like to make a nomination for an award, please complete the short form below and let us know why your submission should be considered. Please keep entries to a maximum of 500 words and include any relevant links within the text box. If applicable, please also include the launch date of the nominated product/contract.
Please include details on:
Specific key achievements from the past year, such as signing notable contracts, investments into the business, businesses successes, financial performance (revenue/profit growth, for example), overall company growth (geographically and product/service range), etc.
Why this company/person deserve to win – how have they contributed to the industry in a positive way (specific examples are required here).
For Product Innovation of the Year – describe exactly what the product is and what makes it unique and beneficial to the market. Also, what key challenges does it address and how successful has it been so far?
The deadline for all submissions is the 11th of April. Good luck!