T Levels campaign backed by Make UK

T Levels are a post-16 technical qualification - designed with employers - to help solve industry skills gaps and ensure businesses have access to a skilled, future workforce.
Each T Level student takes on a 45-day industry placement with an employer. These placements are flexible around a business’ needs and can be done in a block, spread over two years or completed in partnership with another employer.
Make UK chief executive Stephen Phipson is calling on manufacturing businesses to get involved with T Levels: “We’re encouraging our members, small and large, to join the many businesses already benefiting from T Levels. T Level industry placements are a great way of building a pipeline of new talent. Lots of employers we’ve spoken to end up recruiting their T Level student at the end of their course, either directly into their business or as an accelerated or higher-level apprentice.
"With long-standing skill shortages often holding our sector back, we see T Levels as an opportunity to develop the manufacturers of tomorrow and ensure businesses have the talent they need to thrive.”
Businesses who have already taken on a T Level student say hosting their industry placements is a route to recruitment. Many employers recruit their T Level students at the end of their course, often on an accelerated or higher-level apprenticeship.
Click here to watch their short explainer on T Levels, read fellow manufacturers' case studies, learn how you can host a placement and find the answers to your frequently asked questions.